Phone +447761918311 247 MANCHESTER LOCKSMITHS professional locksmith Manchester Emergency Locksmiths have been operating as qualified emergency locksmiths in the Manchester area for over 6 years. We are highly trained with certificates from the leading lock manufacturers. We have been helping people for many years as Emergency Locksmith, and the quality of our work is confirmed by numerous reviews and letters of gratitude from our customers. We work with private and commercial customers for cash and non-cash payments. We understand the stress you can experience during any type of lock issue, so to make things easier and faster we always try to arrive in 30-40min after you call us. Your call will always be answered by a, who will promptly solve the problem. We work around the clock! Keyword locksmith Manchester lock specialist Manchester 24 hour locksmith car locksmith car locksmith near me emergency locksmith keys in car keys locked in car locked out of car locked out of my house locksmith near me vehicle locksmith